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13 Essential Self-Defence Tips for Personal Safety

When it comes to personal safety, it is vital to be switched-on, aware and prepared.

Whether you need to walk somewhere alone at night, find yourself talking to someone drunk and aggressive outside a bar, or experience a potentially violent scenario unfolding in front of you, having a set of effective self-defence skills and strategies can help you to keep safe and stay in control.

Please check out our 13 essential self-defence tips to help you successfully navigate these sorts of challenging situations (should you find yourself in them).


Resilience Self Defence Krav Maga Situational Awareness
You don't need to act like a spy, but paying attention to the world around you helps. Stay alert.

1. Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Keep switched on, and pay attention to your environment and the people around you. Try to avoid distractions like your mobile phone, which will switch you off and leave you vulnerable. Being aware of your surroundings can help you spot potential threats early and give you precious time with which to react.

2. Avoid Danger

Plan your route in advance, especially if you’re going somewhere new. Stick to busy, well-lit streets, walkways and paths. These are more likely to be covered by CCTV. Consider taking a licensed Taxi or an Uber. Do not go to dodgy places with a bad reputation.

3. Don't Flaunt It

Keep your mobile phone and any valuables hidden when possible. If these are on display you are at more of a risk of being mugged. If you are talking on or using your phone, and oblivious, it might get snatched from you. Should you actually get mugged - practice tactical compliance and hand over your valuables. Do not get assaulted or worse by resisting.

4. Maintain Confident Body Language

Be a lion on the path. Walk with confidence and purpose. Hold your head up, make polite eye contact, and project an air of self-assuredness. This can deter potential attackers who might be looking for an easy target. Do not present yourself as one.

5. Trust Your Intuition

Listening to your gut. Plenty of people report feeling like something wasn't right moments before being attacked. If a situation or person gives off uncomfortable vibes, trust your instincts and take precautionary measures. If it turns out to be a false alarm then better to be safe first and sorry second.

6. Use Your Voice to Set Boundaries

If you feel uncertain or threatened, don't hesitate to assert yourself. Set firm verbal boundaries such as "Stay where you are!", "Stop!", or "Back off!". This can help to assess the situation (people with ill intent will try and ignore you), and it will give you time to react. Use of voice can also attract the attention of others, who may come to your assistance.

Resilience Self Defence Krav Maga
Assert your physical boundaries by adopting a non-fighting stance. Combine with verbal boundaries. If these are not respected then you will be switched on for whatever happens next.

7. Use Your Body to Set Boundaries

Organising your body in an effective structure can also prevent a situation deteriorating. Keep your hands up, arms extended, and your base stable in a non-fighting stance. This will help your movement, your ability to frame, push and make space, as well as prevent attacks should they be sent your way.

8. Keep Moving and Keep Scanning

Do not stand still if you can help it. Creating distance between yourself and a problem can buy time and will keep you away from immediate harm. It is harder to hit a moving target. Scanning the area will help break tunnel vision, help spot other possible threats, and help you to establish where to exit.

9. Practice Verbal De-Escalation

If faced with verbal confrontation, try to defuse tension through calm communication. Keep your tone steady and avoid aggressive language. Sometimes you will need to de-escalate yourself first, especially if the aggressor's behaviour is triggering. Be prepared to walk away if necessary. If you can avoid physical conflict then you can guarantee avoiding injury.

10. Escape and Evade

The goal of self-defence is to stay safe, avoid harm, and get away from danger. If a rapid escape is an option, consider retreating tactically and safely to a well-lit and populated area and seek help. Do not simply run or you will be running blind.

Resilience Self Defence Krav Maga Strike The Vitals
Classic options! The low blows and ear slaps work well, punches need training, gouging eyes is much more situational, and biting is a last resort (think potential transfer of diseases).

11. Use of Force

If faced with violence or the threat of violence, and escape is not possible, consider using simple yet effective self-defence techniques. These physical skills could include softer tools like pushes and frames, or strikes such as palms, elbows, and knees, and can help you create distance and buy time to escape. If striking is required then aim for high value targets such as the chin/jaw or the groin. These areas are more likely to incapacitate the attacker. If you must fight then you must do so effectively. Do not waste time sending warning shots.

12. Use Reasonable Force

If you have used physical skills to defend yourself, then you need to demonstrate a reasonable level of proportionality, legality, accountability and necessity. Doing what you honestly believe that you need to do in order to get home safe, based on the situation you find yourself in, is a good rule of thumb. If it sounds reasonable after the fact then great. You may be required to explain yourself so make sure that you have a solid answer. If you are arrested then consider getting the best solicitor you can afford.

13. Take Self-Defence Classes

Join a good self-defence club like Resilience. Make sure they understand points 1-12. Make sure they teach effective strategies and tactics, as well as techniques. If you learn only to fight then you will be limited to combative-only responses. Train regularly, as often as possible, and train smart to avoid injury. This will give you the best possible chance to avoid conflict, protect yourself if necessary, and stay safe.


Thanks for reading!

Remember, the focus of self-defence is to protect yourself from harm and create opportunities to escape, not necessarily to engage in a physical confrontation. Practicing avoidance whenever possible is the smart choice - fighting is for when you don't have a choice.

Switch on, be aware, be prepared. Arm yourself with knowledge and skill. This will significantly improve your personal safety and ability to successfully navigate these dangerous situations.

If you are interested in improving your personal safety, why not book a no obligation trial with us? Self defence is our speciality and I'm sure we can help you get started.

Keep safe and stay out of trouble,


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