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1 Membership

1.1 Membership of Resilience Self Defence is dependant on agreement with the following terms and conditions.

1.2 Acceptance of a person as a member is at the absolute discretion of Resilience Self Defence.

1.3 Resilience Self Defence reserves the right to cancel, suspend or refuse to renew the membership of any member.

1.4 Members must be 18 years old or above before becoming a member of Resilience Self Defence  Under 18s or will be considered, provided they have their parent/guardian's written consent, which must be made available upon request.

1.5 All members must obtain a Krav Maga Global Training License by their sixth training session, which can be purchased at


2 Paying for your Training

2.1 The Resilience Joining Fee must be paid via iZettle after completion of a member's taster session, before joining the club.

2.2 The Resilience Training Fee will be charged monthly via Direct Debit (DD) on the 1st of each month, 10 Class Pass, or PAYG, as advance payment for the training to be provided.

2.3 In cases where training would commence before the monthly DD for the Training Fee would be collected: members must pay upfront any training that is to be provided via iZettle.  This payment will be combined with the Joining Fee.

2.4 The Resilience monthly Training Fee DD is based on a 48 week training year.  Resilience will take two weeks off training over the summer period and two over the Christmas period, and will let all members know in advance when these breaks will occur.

2.5 Members who have purchased a 10 Class Pass have three calendar months to use their training. 

2.6 Resilience is unable to provide a refund for any training paid for but unused.

2.17 If you are struggling financially, please email - we have Concession Memberships that operate on a Pay What You Can Afford basis.


3 Cancelling your Training

3.1 The minimum initial training term for 1-1 training is three months.

​3.2 If members paying a monthly Training Fee wish to stop training with us, we require one calendar month's written notice emailed to  Any member who avoids giving due cancellation notice will considered to be in payment arrears with Resilience until any sum owed is repaid.

3.3 Any member who is in payment arrears with Resilience must repay any sum owed before being eligible to rejoin as a member.


4 Suspending your Training

​4.1 If members paying a monthly Training Fee wish to suspend training, Resilience requires no less than five working days written notice emailed to

4.2 Members may remain On Hold for a maximum of three months before their membership will be reviewed.

4.3 If a member wishes to cancel a membership while On Hold they may do so, but will be liable for a final payment of their regular monthly Training Fee as per term 2.7.


5 Session Bookings, Cancellations and Attendance

5.1 Group training: members must book training sessions in advance using the Resilience Self Defence Wix App.

5.2 Group training: cancellation of bookings must be done via the app.

5.3 Group training: members who do not attend a session that they have booked for will be flagged for poor attedance.


5.4 Members are expected to train every week: if any member must miss a week of training, Resilience Self Defence must be informed in advance via email to, or via WhatsApp.  Any member who misses a week without notifying Resilience Self Defence in advance will be flagged for poor attendance.

5.5 If a member is booked to grade with Resilience Self Defence but is subsequently unable to attend their booking, they must notify Resilience Self Defence via email to, or via WhatsApp, or be flagged for poor attendance.


5.6 Members who are flagged for poor attendance will receive an informal warning via email in the first instance.  Members who are flagged  for poor attendance a second time will receive a formal written warning via email.

5.7  If a member is flagged for poor attendance a thrid time, they will have their membership suspended pending review.  


5.8 Group training: booking privileges to the 'Advanced Self Defence' class is subject to the following requirements: that any member wishing to attend must possess at least a P2 grade with the commitment to continued testing, that they also regularly attend to at least one 'Self Defence' and 'Fighting Skills' class per week, and that they keep up good attendance habits for all classes (see clause 3.1-3.7). 


5.9 Group training: in the rare event of a group class being cancelled: members will be able to make the class up at another session at their convenience.


5.10 Private training: members must agree on all training sessions with Resilience Self Defence, at least 12 weeks in advance via writing, by emailing

5.11 Private training: members must allow at least 24 hours written notice via email to, or via WhatsApp, to cancel a booked session. 

5.12 Private training: no shows will be counted as training used and thus charged in full.

5.13 Private training: where members have cancelled with less than 24 hours notice and wish to attempt to reschedule an appointment, any rebooking will be agreed at the sole discretion of Resilience Self Defence.  If the session is unable to be rescheduled, it will be counted as used and thus charged in full.

5.14 Private training: where members have cancelled with more than 24 hours notice and wished to attempt to reschedule an appointment, the session will be honoured for up to 12 weeks, with any rebooking to be agreed at the sole discretion of Resilience Self Defence.

5.15 Private training: where Resilience Self Defence has cancelled with less than 24 hours notice, the member is entiled to either a complimentary session at a time agreed upon by both parties, or receive a full-refund of the cost of the session cancelled.

5.16 Private training: where Resilience Self Defence has cancelled with more than 24 hours notice, the member is entiled to either rebook the session at a time agreed upon by both parties, or receive a full-refund of the cost of the session cancelled.​


5.22 Resilience does not offer training session on Bank Holidays.



​Code of Conduct

6.1 Resilience is an inclusive and progressive club and we aim to create a welcoming, supportive and safe environment for everyone,


6.2 Any member who engages in bullying, discriminatory, or harassing behaviour will be removed from class and the club.  

6.3 This includes - but is not limited to - abuse based on race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic or religious background, appearance, and ability.

6.4 If any member sees something that makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe, please speak to an instructor immediately.


6.5 Members must keep good timekeeping for the classes, and arrive well on time.  If a member is running late, they must notify their instructor if possible, and upon arrival they must warm up sufficiently: then they must make sure the instructor has cleared them to start training.


6.6 Members must wear whatever clothes that are suitable for training in the environment that we will be training in, including suitable footwear such as indoor trainers and pumps when indoors, or outdoor trainers and hiking boots if outdoors.  No work boots or work shoes.

6.7 Members remove necklaces, rings, watches and other jewellery prior to entering the training floor. Resilience also strongly recommends removing all piercings for wrestling and other close contact training, where possible: if this is something a member is unable to do, the member must let their training partner be aware of this, and train around it (at their own risk).


6.8 All members equipment and items must be kept safely at the sides of the training area - including food and drink!

6.9 Members must make sure you keep your phone on silent, unless agreed with your instructor (i.e. in an emergency).


6.10 Members must not talk over your instructor during teaching and demonstrations: this is disruptive, and may cause attendees to miss details critical to both the material at hand and also safe training.


6.11 Members are expected to calibrate their level of resistance, force, and aggression appropriately to their training partner and the current drill. If in doubt, members should confer with their partner or instructor what they expect!

6.12 Members must train safely and with care at all times: if not Resilience will issue a final formal warning or remove the offending member from the club, depending on the situation.

6.13 Members must inform their instructor in the event of any accident or injury immediately!


6.14 Members are welcome to ask questions and give each other feedback (especially to help their partner calibrate correctly); however, only Resilience instructors or designated assistants may provide instruction. Please limit peer coaching to exercises where it is explicitly requested - and if unsure, please ask!


6.15 No member may participate in training while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and guilty parties will be removed from class and may very well also lose future training privileges.

6.16 Any member who is sick, with a cold or anything else contagious for example, must not come to train! If a member presents symptoms, they will be sent home.

6.17 Members must ensure that they arrive with an acceptable level of personal hygiene: including wearing clean training clothes, that their training kit is clean and does not smell, and that they've showered recently, with brushed teeth.​​


6.18 Regarding transgressions of the code of conduct, any member violating this will receive a formal written warning for 'first offences' in some cases, in others they will be expelled immediately.  In cases where a formal warning has been received already, any further offences will result in immediate expulsion. 

6.19 The judgement of Resilience will be final and absolute in all cases.


​7 Complaints Policy

7.1 Resilience welcomes complaints and we see them as an opportunity to learn, adapt, and provide an improved service for our members.

7.2 We take complaints seriously and would like our members to feel confident that their complaints or concerns are listened to, and acted upon, as promptly, fairly and sensitively.
7.3 We recognise that many concerns and complaints, if dealt with early, can be resolved quickly and that failure to listen to, or acknowledge concerns and complaints can aggravate the problem. 


7.4 We strongly encourage our members to report any concerns and complaints directly to an instructor,

7.5 We will ensure to be polite, respectful and sympathetic.  We are here to provide help and to find a solution, and immediately if possible.

7.6 After discussing the issue, we will then be able to suggest a course of action and attempt resolve the issue. We will confirm the outcome with the member via email.

7.7 If it is not possible to approach an instructor directly, please report in writing to

7.8 When a complaint is received via email, we will send an acknowledgement email within two working days.
7.9 On receipt of the complaint we will launch an investigation. If necessary, we will ask for further details.
7.10 We will send the member a report of the investigation.
7.11 The report will set out the nature of the complaint(s), the details and findings of the investigation and any recommendations.


8 Training During Coronavirus

8.1 Keeping you safe while you train will be our top priority, so please read our guidlines below on how to train around coronavirus.

8.2 If any member experiences any symptoms related to coronavirus, or live with someone who is, Resilience Self Defence requests that they please do not come to train and instead dial 111 for advice.

8.3 The most common symptoms of coronavirus are: recent onset of a new continuous cough, a high temperature and/or a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell.

8.4 If any member has these symptoms, however mild, Resilience Self Defence suggests that stay at home and do not leave your house for at least 7 days from when your symptoms started (if you live alone), or 14 days (if you live with someone who has symptoms).

8.5 While attending sessions, all members who are not in support bubbles or from the same household must keep within current social distancing distance from each other at all times.

8.6 All members must ensure that they are training according to KMG Covid-secure guidelines, as instructed, at all times.

8.7 Absolutely no sharing of any personal training equipment, towels or drinks between members who are not in support bubbles or from the same household.

8.8 Members must ensure that if any training equipment worn (gloves etc) is cleaned and sanitised - cleaning material provided by Resilience Self Defence - before and after use.

8.9 Members must also ensure that they use hand sanitiser - provided by Resilience Self Defence - before and after training.

8.10 Failing to do adhere to the above will result in a loss of a member's training priviledges and their membership being cancelled with immediate effect.

8.11 Resilience Self Defence will ensure that any training equipment provided (kick shields etc), where relevant, is cleaned and sanitised before and after use.


9 Privacy Policy

9.1 Resilience Self Defence and Krav Maga Global (UK) needs to hold certain personal and medical information about delegates to ensure that we act consistent with the duty of care owed, and so that we may communicate with any member about mandatory requirements to undertake training, and other relevant information.

9.2 All information relating to members will be held in confidence and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

9.3 Agreement to the providing of the required personal date is a condition to undertake the training.

9.4 Please note that sensitive personal data will not be disclosed without a member's specific and written consent.  Information will not released to third parties for marketing purposes.

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